Knowledgeable Attorneys For Permit Appeals

At Zacks & Freedman, PC, we give Bay Area property owners a voice. Whether the City has denied your permit application, your permit has been appealed, you are a neighbor who has concerns about a nearby construction project, Zacks & Freedman, PC‘s attorneys can help. With more than two decades of experience in the field, our building permit appeals experts will give you clear advice and strong representation.

Neighbors Have Rights

When it comes to San Francisco building permits, neighbors have many options to voice their opinions and seek changes to construction projects. Neighbors and real estate developers will often try to resolve disagreements informally, and our attorneys have had great success reaching win-win agreements. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to file a formal appeal or complaint to protect your rights.

The Government Can Make Mistakes

Sometimes the government denies applications that should be granted, and sometimes it grants applications that should be denied. The San Francisco Board of Appeals has the power to overturn the Planning Department and Department of Building Inspection’s building permit decisions. If you believe the City made the wrong decision, then time is of the essence to file an appeal. If you have missed the deadline to file an appeal, then “late jurisdiction” may be available.

We Can Help

Our firm has decades of experience successfully representing clients before the Board of Appeals, and our expertise runs deep. Unlike attorneys who handle occasional cases, the Board of Appeals process is one of our firm’s core competencies. Contact us for representation or for an evaluation of your options. If you have recently lost an appeal, then the next step may be to request a rehearing or to file a petition for writ of mandate. You can send us an email or call us now at 415-956-8100

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